Oliver Twist

by Gill Tavner

Published 1 September 2007
In the dark, dangerous streets of Victorian London Oliver enters the world of people so poor and desperate that they will take any risk and know no mercy. Relentlessly pursued by the menacing criminal world, who should Oliver trust? Are his true friends strong enough to resist the determined plotting of desperate villains? In this gripping tale of kidnapping, shooting and murder, Charles Dickens shows the threats to a vulnerable boy's existence and asks the eternal question: which is more powerful, good or evil?

Mansfield Park

by Gill Tavner

Published 16 July 2009

David Copperfield

by Gill Tavner

Published 16 July 2009


by Gill Tavner

Published 16 July 2009

Jane Eyre

by Gill Tavner

Published 1 February 2010