Book 1

Mrs Boots

by Deborah Carr

Published 27 March 2020
A gripping historical novel inspired by Florence Boot, the woman behind the nation’s favourite chemist!

Jersey 1885

On the beautiful island of Jersey, Florence Rowe lives a quiet life working in her father’s bookshop. Life for the Rowe family is good, but Florence can’t help yearning for more…

When Jesse Boot, the successful owner of Boots the chemist, arrives on the island, Florence is immediately captivated by his tales of life in a busy, bustling city on the mainland. For the first time ever, Florence imagines a life away from the constraints of Jersey society, of being someone more than just a shopgirl.

Until her parents reveal the shocking news they will refuse any marriage proposal from Mr Boot. Can Florence find a way to be with the man she loves and make a new life for herself?

Readers are loving Mrs Boots:

‘A book that drew me in…I cuddle up on my reading chair and entered the world of Boots’ Abby

‘Vibrant, believable, characters and an absorbing plot’ Tabby

‘This will definitely pull at your heartstrings…Loved it’ Beverley

‘I’m so glad this is the beginning of a series and I can't wait to read the rest! Wonderfully written’ Grace

‘If you like historical novels this is a book for you’ Bookoholic Cafe

‘A gorgeous start to a new historical series that captivated, charmed and inspired me’ Adele

‘A great and powerful read about love, relationships, and the trials and tribulations in between…a true thrill’ Donna

‘Watch this author–this is a series you'll want to stick with’ Micah

Book 2

Behind every family there’s a strong woman holding them together

As the wife of esteemed businessman, Jesse Boot, Florence’s position in society is much changed from her quiet life as a shopkeeper’s assistant.  Now a lady of means, Florence is expected to act in a way society demands.

And whilst Florence is more than happy to be a dutiful wife and a doting mother, as the Boots empire continues to grow, there is so much more to her than simply being Mama or dearest.   Helping the staff and customers who rely on her and the business gives Florence an added purpose. 

Can she show society that a woman can have it all…?

Book 3

Mrs Boots Goes to War

by Deborah Carr

Published 19 February 2021
The world is at war and her country needs her

When Florence’s son, John, announces that he has enlisted, she is horrified but determined to hold her family together during the oncoming hardships they are to face.

Men are returning to England wounded, with many more not returning at all, families are struggling, and Florence's ‘Dear Girls’ are risking their lives in new and dangerous jobs. Florence might be older now, but she has no intention of sitting back on her laurels while others fight for King and Country. She knows what needs to be done…