Book 1

His Winter Rose

by Lois Richer

Published 30 January 2007

After many happy summers in the peaceful town of Serenity Bay, Piper Langley had returned to help revitalize the sleepy village.

Trouble was, Piper and her new boss didn't see eye-to-eye. Mayor Jason Franklin had the good looks and the take-charge attitude to earn him the town's respect, but not Piper's. To help the place they both adored, they had to find a way to work together.

While his faith in God was strong, it would take an even stronger love to thaw the ice around Piper's jaded heart. Thankfully, Jason knew he was the perfect man for the job.

Book 2

Apple Blossom Bride

by Lois Richer

Published 27 February 2007

After a car accident, Ashley Adams came home to Serenity Bay to heal her broken body – and her broken spirit.

Her former teen crush, Michael Masters, was the last person she expected to see in town…and he was even handsomer than she remembered. Planning the town's winter festival brought Ashley back in contact with the dedicated single dad, and Ash found herself falling for him all over again, as well as his darling daughter.

Yet pain-filled memories of the past threaten their budding romance. Only Ashley's search for the truth can lead them to love beneath the blossoms….

Book 3

Spring Flowers, Summer Love

by Lois Richer

Published 27 March 2007

Desperate to save her father's tree nursery, Rowena Davis came home to Serenity Bay to negotiate a deal with the new owner, Connor Wingate.

But who was this stern businessman who asked her to landscape Wingate Manor in exchange for the deed to Davis Nursery? Rowena hoped that beneath Connor's gruff exterior he was a man of faith and honor. Could God's plan for her future somehow include this man?