Health and Disease

by Franklin Watts

Published 8 March 2018


by Franklin Watts

Published 8 March 2018


by Franklin Watts

Published 10 May 2018


by Franklin Watts

Published 10 May 2018

Civil War and Genocide

by Franklin Watts

Published 11 January 2018

Global Pollution

by Franklin Watts

Published 11 January 2018
Humans are creating more pollution than ever before and this is threatening the balance of our planet and its perfect conditions for life. This book looks at the causes and effects of different types of pollution, considers the greenouse effect and what is being done to tackle climate change....Read more

Since the end of the Second World War in 1945, most wars have been civil wars. This book considers how civil wars start, how they are funded and fought and the catastrophic effects they have on the civilians living in the countries involved. It also looks at the atrocities...Read more