A Disaffection

by James Kelman

Published 20 February 1989
Patrick Doyle is a twenty-nine-year-old teacher in an ordinary comprehensive school. Isolated, frustrated and increasingly bitter at the system he is employed to maintain, he begins his rebellion, fuelled by drink and his passionate, unrequited love for a fellow teacher.

Greyhound for Breakfast

by James Kelman

Published 13 April 1987
A collection of 47 short stories which reflect the broad scope of Kelman's writing since 1972. Ranging from casual tragedy to wild farce, from the concrete to the lyrical, the book aims to demonstrate Kelman's way of creating high art from low life.

A Chancer

by James Kelman

Published 10 April 1987
Tammas, a 20-year-old Glaswegian, is a loner and a compulsive gambler. Betting gives him as good a chance as any of discovering what he really seeks from life, since society offers him no prospect of a better alternative. James Kelman won the 1994 Booker Prize for How Late it Was, How Late.