You know you're having a senior moment when…

… you decide it's time to pull up your socks, and realise you forgot to put any on

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether your marbles just need a spring clean or you've well and truly lost them!

You know you're past it when…

… you feel like it's the morning after, but there wasn't a night before

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether you really are over the hill or are just going round the bend!

Have you ever christened a child by swinging a minature bottle of champagne towards their rear? If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether you are truly one lifejacket short of a crew!

You Know You're a Dog Lover When

by Ben Fraser

Published 25 October 2010

You Know You're a Dog Lover When...

...a cosy meal a deux means medium-rare steak for you and your pooch.

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to determine whether you are truly obsessed with your canine or just one woof away from the doghouse!

You know you're a football fanatic when...

... your house is carpeted in Astroturf

... you count goals, not sheep

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether you're truly obsessed with the beautiful game or just another armchair supporter!

You know you're a rugby fanatic when...

... your Facebook profile photo is a close-up of your latest injury.

... you own more replica shirts than work ones.

If this sounds all too familiar, read one to discover whether you're truly obsessed with the odd-shaped ball or just one player short of a scrum!

You know you're a gardening fanatic when...

... you favour your ride-on lawnmower over your Ferrari.

... you think talking dirty means whispering the word 'compost'.

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether you've really gone to seed or you're just one petal short of a flower!

You know you’re getting old when…

… you know all the answers but no one’s asking you the questions.

… you stop seeing the speed limit as a challenge.

… you have a party and the neighbours don’t even realise it.

If this is sounding all too familiar, this handy guide will help determine whether you’re creaking gently into your autumn years or can still kick it with the kids!

You know you're a tennis fanatic when...

... your opponent complains about your grunting - when you're playing scrabble

... love means nothing to you

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether you're a wild card with an ace up your sleeve or if you're better off in the stands with some strawberries and cream!

You know you're a sports fanatic when...

... you have your house carpeted in Astroturf

... the dog starts walking itself when rugby season begins

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether you're a match fit super fan or simply one player short of a full team!

You Know You're a Cat Lover When...

...You perch precariously on the arm rest rather than evict your feline friend from the best seat in the house.

If this sounds all too familiar, read on to discover whether you're the number one member of the feline fan club or just plain moggy mad!

You know you're a golfing fanatic when...

... there is a suspicious looking dent next to the cat flap from the last time you `put the cat out'.

Read on to find out whether you're one iron short of a set or if you can still escape the fairway unscathed!