Book 1

The Verruca Bazooka

by Jonny Moon

Published 25 June 2009

Aliens are coming… to get up your nose!

A long time ago, on a planet really, really far away, a bunch of slimy aliens discovered the secret to clean, renewable energy – snot!

That was when the Galactic Union of Nasty Killer Aliens (G.U.N.K.) was born. Its mission: to find human life and drain its snot. Rockets were sent to the four corners of the known universe, each carrying representatives from the major alien races.

Three of them were never heard from again. But one of them landed on a planet quite simply full of humans.

This one.

Now all that stands between earth and alien invasion is a hero named Jack. Problem is, he’s not even out of primary school yet…

Book 2

The Elephant’s Trump

by Jonny Moon

Published 25 June 2009

Aliens are coming… to get up your nose!

They don’t want our oil. They don’t want our water. They don’t want our Brussels sprouts. (Actually, neither do we.) They just want our snot!

Ugh! Who did that? Jack, Oscar, Ruby and their robotic dog Snivel have defeated one of the GUNK aliens – but there are still three more to be captured. And that’s bad news when the alien you’re looking for likes nothing more than the smell of farts…

Book 3

The Dog’s Dinner

by Jonny Moon

Published 25 June 2009

Aliens are coming… to get up your nose!

They don’t want our oil. They don’t want our water. They don’t want our Brussels Sprouts. (Actually, neither do we.) They just want our snot!

The gang face their toughest challenge yet, as they go after a terrifying flying alien. Jack’s inventing skills will be tested to the limit, one of his friends will fall, and all of his courage will be needed when he takes on the worst ordeal of all. Eating a school dinner…

Book 4

The Sewers Crisis

by Jonny Moon

Published 25 June 2009

Aliens are coming… to get up your nose!

They don’t want our oil. They don’t want our water. They don’t want our Brussels sprouts. (Actually, neither do we.) They just want our snot!

Jack and his friends have only one alien left to capture. The best is always saved for last, thought, so none of them should be surprised that this particular alien loves only one thing… poo! But once they’ve made a sickening descent into the sewers, the world should finally be safe. Shouldn’t it?

Book 5

The Beach Buoy

by Jonny Moon

Published 4 February 2010

Aliens are coming… to get up your nose!

Aliens are coming! At the end of book four, Bob sent a signal to the GUNK Aliens telling them to invade earth. But there’s no need to panic just yet – our hero Jack managed to weaken the signal, so they shouldn’t get the message for a long time.

There’s just one problem… other aliens are closer by, and they WILL get the message!

Now Jack and the gang have to get to Bob’s base so they can use GUNGE’s equipment to neutralise the alien threat. First, though they’ve got to deal with the strange creature that’s terrorising swimmers at the beach. And then they’ve got an even bigger challenge – they’ve got to FIND Bob’s base…

Book 6

The Nit Picker

by Jonny Moon

Published 4 February 2010

Aliens are coming… to get up your nose!

After their adventures at the beach, Jack and the gang are looking forward to a well-earned rest. But the work of an alien-buster is never done!

With rogue agent Bob still on the loose, and evil, gross aliens converging on Earth to steal our snot, there’s plenty still to be done. And there’s trouble closer to home, too – an outbreak of nits at Jack’s school! But when Jack spots the new school nurse sticking out her tongue and eating a nit from a pupil’s head, he realises the two problems might just be linked…