Book 51

Sexual Assault

by Olivia Ghafoerkhan

Published 8 December 2016
Out of all reported cases of sexual assault, nearly 70 percent occur with victims who are under the age of seventeen, and it has been estimated that one in ten children will be sexually abused before they turn eighteen. Sexual assault has become an all-too-common occurrence among young adults. An assault can cause physical injuries, STDs and STIs, post-traumatic stress disorder, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, and other re-experiencing symptoms. It can lead to poor academic performance, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior, and even suicide. Research has also shown that victims of sexual abuse are more likely to confide in friends than in adults, but those friends may not be-equipped to help.

In Sexual Assault: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Olivia Ghafoerkhan describes the various ways sexual violence can be perpetrated, discusses myths many teens believe about the subject, and outlines how young adults can get the help they need to begin the healing process. Topics covered include

*date rape
*abusive relationships
*breaking the silence
*victim blaming

An invaluable resource for young people, Sexual Assault: The Ultimate Teen Guide aims to give victims and their friends the courage to report such crimes, advice on where to find help, and hope that life can return to some sense of normalcy after such a horrific experience.


by Olivia Ghafoerkhan

Published 7 March 2019
Relationships forged between siblings are often the longest and strongest bonds in life. From infancy, siblings form and maintain lifelong ties to each other-not only the kinds that share in the joys of life but that also help individuals overcome adversity and heartbreak. Of course, not all sibling relationships are close nor, like any relationship, do siblings agree with each other all of the time. Yet, even after the most intense disagreements, siblings can still find a way to stay close.

In Siblings: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Oliva Ghafoerkhan looks at one of the most enduring relationships that exist. In this book, the author explores such issues as sibling rivalry, sibling animosity, and sibling support. The author also looks at the dynamics of particular relationships, such as step-siblings, a sibling who is ailing, or a sibling who has a disability. This book also considers:

How personality can be shaped by family birth order
Why some sibling relationships are close, while others are plagued by conflict
How to deal with the loss of a sibling
Sibling abuse, the most common form of domestic violence
How to improve sibling relationships

Drawing on up-to-date research as well as personal stories of teens and young adults, this book examines the wide variety of sibling relationships, both positive and negative. From the birth of a new sibling until old age-and covering every stage in between-Siblings: The Ultimate Teen Guide will help young adults understand, appreciate, and even enhance one of the most important relationships of their lives.