Book 1

Saving Dr Tremaine

by Jessica Matthews

Published 2 January 2004
Paramedic Annie McCall is accident-prone. Jared Tremaine, emergency physician, finds himself roped into watching over her. So when he is involved in an accident, it's Annie who volunteers to watch over him! Now neither can avoid the chemistry between them.

Book 2

The Baby Rescue

by Jessica Matthews

Published 2 April 2004
Locum Nikki Lawrence is takin on more that she's bargained for. Not only is she working with the man who broke her heart and haunts her dreams, but she has to rescue a baby, abandoned in Emergency by its mother.

Book 3

The Gp's Valentine Proposal

by Jessica Matthews

Published 3 December 2004
Dixie only came to Hope City to solve a family mystery. An explosive encounter with a dashing doctor is the last thing she needed. But Cameron is the key to discovering the truth behind her families problems and her own problems with love. Will Dixie put her family above her own needs or find out where her priorities really lie?