v. 4

Whether it is to understand the networks of individuals, the physical makeup of a household or community, or to develop strategies for finding difficult-to-reach populations such as the homeless or drug-addicted, applied researchers increasingly need to understand spatial methods. In this brief volume, the techniques of network analysis, mapping, and finding hidden populations are explained in simple, practical language. The authors describe when and how to use these techniques and offer numerous examples of how the methods have worked in community psychology, drug research, risk assessment, and network analysis, among other settings.

A newer edition of this book is available for ordering at the following web address: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9780759122031 In addition to the traditional use of participant observation, interviews, and surveys, qualitative researchers have developed a variety of other methods to obtain information in their studies. Visual data from film and still photographs are now supplemented with video and computer techniques and are used in many settings. Focused group interviews, once in the domain of market researchers, are now regularly used by qualitative researchers as well. Elicitation techniques, such as triads, pile sorts, and freelists, originally developed by cognitive anthropologists have been widely adopted to help understand the inner workings of the members of a group. In this brief volume, these three sets of methods are explained in simple, practical language. The authors describe when and how to use these sets of techniques for community research, market research, and formative evaluation and other health, social welfare, and educational settings both domestically and internationally.

This is Book 2 of 7 in the Ethnographer's Toolkit, Second Edition.

Initiating Ethnographic Research: A Mixed Methods Approach, is the first book of its kind. Unlike texts that describe and detail methods for doing ethnographic and qualitative research once in the field, Book 2 explores in depth the many critical issues that ethnographic researchers need to consider before going to the field and in the earliest stages of the field experience. These include preparation of self, establishing relationships that ensure access to the field, and steps in the construction of a formative theoretical model that will inform the entire research process from start to finish. Following guidelines established in Book 1, the first three chapters describe the reasons why ethnography should be considered a mixed methods approach to social science research. They discuss why theory is important in guiding a study, and the important institutional and personal preparations required to enter a field setting and begin work. Additional chapters debunk the idea that ethnographers always enter the field with their minds a "clean slate" in terms of what they will find during their investigation. They show why and how researchers can develop initial theoretical models based on local knowledge and literature reviews. Ethnography uses a holistic approach, so such models take into consideration both individual/population and systemic or structural considerations. They lead the way to integrating ecological, empirical, critical, and interpretivist approaches into a comprehensive analysis of a dynamic system. Two chapters also provide detailed examples to illustrate the connection between steps in the modeling process, creation of observational measures, and steps in data collection--from most open-ended kinds of interviewing and observation to the kind of highly structured ethnographic surveying described in Book 3. Extensive illustrative case examples are included. The final chapter shows how the modeling process can be extended to guide the development of interventions and change strategies at multiple levels-a process that should be part of any research program. A wide variety of diagrams, instructions, examples, and illustrations make the topics and processes covered in Book 2 easy to read and understand, even by novice researchers. Overall, Book 2 offers a unique mixed methods lens through which to build theory by engaging in research modeling, to enter the field, to set up to gather data, and to anticipate influencing change.

Other books in the set:

Book 1:
Designing and Conducting Ethnographic Research: An Introduction, Second Edition
by Margaret D. LeCompte and Jean J. Schensul

Book 3:
Essential Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach, Second Edition
by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 4:
Specialized Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach
edited by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 5:
Analysis and Interpretation of Ethnographic Data: A Mixed Methods Approach, Second Edition
by Margaret D. LeCompte and Jean J. Schensul

Book 6:
Ethics in Ethnography: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Margaret D. LeCompte and Jean J. Schensul

Book 7:
Ethnography in Action: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

A newer edition of this book is available for ordering at the following web address: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9780759122017 Like all books in the Ethnographer's Toolkit, Book 2, Essential Ethnographic Methods, takes a mixed methods approach to introducing the fundamental, face-to-face data collection tools that ethnographers and other qualitative researchers use. Book 3 provides ethnographers with tools to answer basic ethnographic questions about the setting, activities, behavior, communication patterns of participants, and more. It teaches readers how to do good ethnography by walking them through the required steps for each essential method, and supplements this information with hands-on materials and illustrative case examples. Because these data collection strategies require ethnographers to become involved in the local cultural setting and to acquire hands-on experience, the essential tools also help them learn about new situations from the perspective of an "insider."
The chapters cover open-ended and focused listening, questioning strategies, participant and non-participant observation, recording techniques, visual recall, strategies for mapping the environments and contexts in which participant behavior occurs, and varied approaches to individual- and group-level in-depth interviewing. Unlike most methods texts, Book 3 also examines how and why to carry out ethnographically informed qualitative and quantitative survey research. It also provides the basis for quantification of qualitative research for those who wish to do so. Research methods are sequenced in accordance with early, middle, and later stages of a research project, making it easy for readers to select different data collection methods for specific purposes and timelines. This mixed methods approach is emphasized because it is the only way that are ethnographers able to obtain the holistic portrayal of dynamic social systems and cultural phenomena that characterize the best ethnographies.

This is Book 5 of 7 in the Ethnographer's Toolkit, Second Edition.

Treating analysis as both a mechanical and a cognitive process, Book 5 begins by describing why analysis and interpretation of data are necessary. In the first two chapters the book points out the importance of beginning ethnographic analysis in the field, during the earliest stages of data collection, and how to move between induction and deduction, the concrete and the abstract, in a process informed by an emerging and increasingly refined conceptual model. The middle section tackles the challenge of transforming huge piles of text, audio, and visual information into
an ethnographic whole through generic and specific coding and quantification of qualitative data, using multiple extended examples. Chapters show how to use computers in analysis of qualitative data and ways to integrate the results of quantitative and qualitative data into a comprehensive picture of a complex whole. Chapter 9 presents a rare and comprehensive description of the statistics
regularly used by ethnographers to analyze ethnographic surveys. Chapters 10 and 11 show how researchers create and then fine-tune preliminary results into an integrated whole, display them for multiple audiences, and write them up. The final chapter illustrates how ethnographers can share the meaning of results with local communities and constituents and with other professional researchers.

Other books in the set:

Book 1:
Designing and Conducting Ethnographic Research: An Introduction, Second Edition
by Margaret D. LeCompte and Jean J. Schensul

Book 2:
Initiating Ethnographic Research: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Stephen L. Schensul, Jean J. Schensul, and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 3:
Essential Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach, Second Edition
by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 4:
Specialized Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach
edited by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 6:
Ethics in Ethnography: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Margaret D. LeCompte and Jean J. Schensul

Book 7:
Ethnography in Action: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

v. 1

This is Book 1 of 7 in the Ethnographer's Toolkit, Second Edition.

The Ethnographer's Toolkit series begins with this primer, which introduces novice and expert practitioners alike to the process of ethnographic research, including answers to questions such as who should and can do ethnography, when it is used most fruitfully, and how research projects are carried out from conceptualization to the uses of research results. Written in practical, straightforward language, this new edition defines the qualitative research enterprise, links research strategies to theoretical paradigms, and outlines the ways in which an ethnographic study can be designed. Use Designing and Conducting Ethnographic Research as a guide to the entire Toolkit or as a stand-alone introduction to ethnographic research.

Other books in the set:

Book 2:
Initiating Ethnographic Research: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Stephen L. Schensul, Jean J. Schensul, and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 3:
Essential Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach, Second Edition
by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 4:
Specialized Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach
edited by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

Book 5:
Analysis and Interpretation of Ethnographic Data: A Mixed Methods Approach, Second Edition
by Margaret D. LeCompte and Jean J. Schensul

Book 6:
Ethics in Ethnography: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Margaret D. LeCompte and Jean J. Schensul

Book 7:
Ethnography in Action: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Jean J. Schensul and Margaret D. LeCompte

In a series of seven brief books, the editors and authors of the Ethnographer's Tookit take you through the multiple, complex steps of doing qualitative research in simple, reader-friendly language. For individual book information, visit www altamirapress.com.

v. 7

Increasingly, ethnographic research has been used to analyze policy, evaluate social and cultural programs, and design interventions. In this brief volume, the various uses to which qualitative data can be put are explained in simple, practical language. The authors describe ways to make research policy-relevant, how to deal with policymakers and the media, how to use ethnography to design, operate and evaluate programs, and how qualitative information can assist community organizations to create and manage change. Checklists, extended case studies, definitions, and cross-references aid the reader in understanding this important set of research tools.

v. 5

Book Five of the Ethnographer's Toolkit series provides the reader with a variety of methods for transforming piles of fieldnotes, observations, audio and videotapes, questionnaires, surveys, documents, maps, and other kinds of data into research results that help people understand their world more fully and facilitate problem solving. Using methods common to qualitative and quantitative methods, this slim volume discusses ways of organizing, retrieving, rendering manageable, and interpreting the data through everything from simple statistics to narratives, graphic representation to triangulation. The volume keeps a continuous focus on producing results that can be used in policy and programmatic settings.

v. 6

Book six of the Ethnographer's Toolkit series discusses the special requirements that doing ethnographic research imposes on its practitioners. The authors first describe how the work of researchers is inextricably tied to their personal qualities, the social and cultural context of the research site, and the tasks and responsibilities that ethnographers assume in the field. The book then examines how qualitative researchers assemble research teams, establish partnerships with individuals and institutions in the field, and work collaboratively with a wide range of people and organizations to solve mutually identified problems. The book has a strong focus on the ethical components of doing research, and on the importance of collaboration and action-based research strategies. The authors also offer multiple strategies for working with institutional review boards (IRBs).