Systems analysis is a course that should be taught to all college graduates, regardless of their discipline. Just as knowledge of computers and computer programming has become a basic skill needed to survive in today's information-based society, so has the design of business systems. Because the development and use of computer systems are basic to all business functions in today's environment, the teaching of systems analysis should be a basic university-wide course that cuts across all disciplinary lines. This third edition has been modified extensively. It now contains a comprehensive and thorough explanation of structured analysis and design techniques, a workbook-style cumulative case that requires the students to perform case tasks using structured techniques and a matrix approach to designing controls when using structured analysis and design. The primary objective of this book is to teach systems thinking. Along with that objective, the student will learn that work tasks are interrelated and interdependent. No action is taken independently of others; there is always a reaction.
This book also teaches that the single most important ingredient in a successful business system is its people. Finally, in addition to being people oriented, the books approach is security and control oriented.