Gender and Security

by Jane Freedman and Nana Poku

Published 23 December 2003
Since the 1960s a number of major developments in global migration patterns have placed the phenomenon at the heart of global politics. First, the scale of movements has increased exponentially. Secondly, there has been an enormous increase in the diversity of international population movement. Thirdly, and perhaps inevitably, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of global institutions involved in shaping the level and patterning of international migration. These factors have reinforced each other to change the racial mix of many countries and cities beyond all recognition. Simultaneously, the increase in global migration has also given rise to paranoia and xenophobia. Predicated on the European Union, this project emerges out of a serious concern for the plight of women without states and those who fall victim to the states that are supposed to offer them some basic protection. This book addresses these various forms of insecurity and details ways in which they might be addressed. Further, it looks at the ways in which immigrant women have themselves tried to fight against these insecurities through their own political mobilization.

The importance of the immigration issue in French politics has been highlighted by the success of Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the extreme-right Front National party, in reaching the second round of the presidential elections. This absorbing book closely examines the debate over immigration in contemporary France, looking not only at the development of immigration and nationality policies, but also at the changing discourse on the integration of immigrants. It analyzes the continuing racialization of discourse on immigration and anti-Islamic sentiment arising from the 'Islamic headscarf affair'. The work addresses issues such as the gendered nature of immigration and pays particular attention to the experiences of women immigrants in France. This careful analysis is then placed within the context of developments in the EU towards creating a unified immigration and asylum policy.