The Invisible Man

by Wells

Published 23 January 2017
When a strange, reclusive former medical student arrives in Iping, his odd appearance and the mysterious goings-on in his room quickly become the talk of the town. Townsfolk soon suspect something sinister underneath Griffin's bandaged exterior and are horrified by the chilling revelation that he is, in fact, invisible. Life as the invisible man gives Griffin an untouchable power, as he will now stop at nothing to get what he wants.

The Time Machine

by Wells

Published 31 December 2005
When the Time Traveller, a Victorian scientist, explains his theory about travelling through time to his dinner guests, they are initially sceptical. He returns a week later, pale and limping, with an astonishing tale about encountering strange new worlds and different species - the innocent Eloi and the more threatening Morlocks. The guests are left wondering whether he is to be believed and, if he sets foot in his Time Machine again, will he ever