Treasures of the Snow

by Patricia St John

Published February 1965
Lucien's teasing of Dani leads to an accident with far-reaching consequences. Annette is intent on revenge and does all she can to make life a misery for Lucien. His only friend is the old man up the mountain who recognises his skill in carving wood and gives him new hope. Set in Switzerland this story of Annett, Lucien and Dani has caught the imagination of countless children.

Rainbow Garden

by Patricia St John

Published September 1973
When Elaine leaves her home in London to stay with the Owen family in Wales, she feels miserable and left out. Then, trying to find the end of the rainbow, she discovers a secret garden which makes her decide that life in the country isn't so bad. However, something happens to change all that. The stories of Patricia St. John have been entertaining and challenging children and young people for generations. This new edition of Rainbow Garden is as fresh as it was when it was first published in 1960.

Star of Light

by Patricia St John

Published 12 December 1953
When Hamid finds out that his little blind sister is to be sold to a beggar, he runs away with her from their mountain village to a town. But, in the town, they are alone and there doesn't seem to be any way to find a new home. Then they hear of a nurse who works with street children and Hamid does something desperate to help his sister.