An introduction to C++, this book is designed to help readers grasp the fundamentals of C++ programming. It covers the basics of variables and operators, input and output functions, control statements, loops, and more. The reader can look up the program element they need to review, browse through the alphabetical list of items, and read the paragraphs needed. There are many code examples that programmers can borrow for their own applications. The book has a lay-flat binding, making it easier to look up material while sitting at a computer.

As a quick way for readers to grasp the fundamental principles of programming with Visual Basic, this book offers all the critical reference information that programmers should need. It covers working with controls, menus, strings, decision-making loops, error-handling and more. This reference guide should be useful to new programmers who want a quick and painless introduction to Visual Basic or for seasoned veterans who need a quick reference to a rusty concept.

Readers of this title will be given information on using Microsoft's Java development environment, Visual J++. They will be able to reference J++ syntax, ActiveX controls, editing tools, applets, and debugging. The lay-flat binding makes it easier to have it placed next to a PC. Visual J++ is Windows based and shares the same look and feel as development environments for Visual Basic and Visual C++. The Java code that Visual J++ creates is generated in Java's virtual machine byte code and can be used with any platform that supports Java. Visual J++ allows the user to build both applets and applications, as it is an implementation of Sun's Java programming language.

A quick, yet complete overview of the most relevant API functions for Windows 98, Windows 98 API Programming For Dummies Quick Reference gives you all the information you need to get started -- including fact-filled explanations of what the functions do, declarations listing the most-used API functions, and practical, timesaving tips. In addition, syntax and example listings that include comments on each function parameter make this guide an essential reference to keep on hand! Now you can find what you need even faster with our ...For Dummies (R) Quick References! They feature tasks in alphabetical order, clear-cut, step-by-step instructions, and easy-to-follow advice. Get in and out quickly and get the information you really need -- without reading lots of material. Look for IDG Books Worldwide's Windows (R) 98 Programming For Dummies (R) , the fun and easy way to figure out Windows 98!

A quick reference guide which breaks the programming language into its components and demonstrates each aspect in a clear way. Covers controls, classes, data types, dialog boxes, errors, functions, subroutines, strings, forms, arrays and loops, with easy access points. Also covers Visual Basic integration with other visual programming tools.