Edgar Allan Poe

by Kevin J. Hayes

Published 1 September 2009
The life of Edgar Allan Poe (1809 1849) is the quintessential writer's biography: great works arising from a life of despair, poverty, alcoholism, and a mysterious solitary death. It may seem like a cliche now, but it was Poe who helped shape this idea in the popular imagination. Despite...Read more

Mark Twain

by Kevin J. Hayes

Published 16 July 2018
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, born on 30 November 1835 in Monroe County, Missouri, was never one to let the facts get in the way of a good story. A natural-born storyteller, Mark Twain freely adapted the incidents of his life and the stories he heard as a youth to embellish...Read more

Herman Melville

by Kevin J. Hayes

Published 27 June 2017
American novelist and poet Herman Melville is considered by many to be the finest author his nation has produced. Born in New York in 1819, he achieved recognition as a leader of world literature with his daring stylistic innovations, and his masterpiece Moby-Dick continues to capture the attention of...Read more

Benjamin Franklin

by Kevin J. Hayes

Published 14 February 2022
An action-packed retelling of the life and work of the polymath and so-called First American, Benjamin Franklin. All Benjamin Franklin biographers face a major challenge: they must compete with their subject. In one of the greatest autobiographies in world literature, Franklin has already told his own story, and subsequent...Read more