
by Tim Goss

Published 1 September 2002
Why is Mercury so cold? How long is a day on Mercury? Have people ever landed on Mercury? You don't need a spacesuit to study the second-smallest planet in the solar system. Read this book to find out why it takes 88 days to see a sunrise or sunset...Read more


by Tim Goss

Published 1 November 2002
Is there life on Mars? Why does Mars look red? How long would it take to get to Mars? Turn the pages of this book to learn about Earth's nearest neighbour. Find out how Mars got its name and why it has such terrible weather. Read about the space...Read more

Stars and Constellations

by Raman Prinja

Published 1 November 2002
The Universe is a new series that attempts to unravel the complexities of space and the Universe - and ideal resource for the Earth and beyond at Key Stage 2. - full-colour photographs clearly illustrate each book. - looks at each body's place in the night sky - covers...Read more


by Tim Goss

Published 1 November 2002
How hot is it on Venus? How is Venus like Earth? Why is a Venus day longer than a Venus year? You don't need a spaceship to take a closer look at Earth's nearest neighbour. Read this book to find out about the planet's volcanoes, craters, and swirling clouds....Read more

The Moon

by Raman K Prinja

Published 1 November 2002


by Tim Goss

Published 26 October 2001
Each title in the "Exploring the Solar System" series takes the reader on an imaginary journey through a part of the solar system. This particular volume explores the planet Jupiter, and covers its position, origin, composition and geology. There are historical features on how the planet was discovered and...Read more


by Professor of History Stuart Clark

Published 1 November 2002


by Tim Goss

Published 26 October 2001
Each title in the "Exploring the Solar System" series takes the reader on an imaginary journey through a part of the solar system. This particular volume explores the planet Saturn, and covers its position, origin, composition and geology. There are historical features on how the planet was discovered and...Read more

The Sun

by Raman K Prinja

Published 1 November 2002

Comets and Meteors

by Raman K Prinja

Published 1 November 2002

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

by Tim Goss

Published 1 November 2002


by Stuart Clark

Published 1 September 2002
What does the Earth look like from space? How was the Earth made? When did life begin on Earth? Find the answers in this book! Learn how Earth is still being formed today. Discover that our 'solid Earth' is not completely solid deep inside. See evidence that Earth has...Read more

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

by Tim Goss

Published 1 September 2002

The Sun

by Raman Prinja, Stuart Clark, and Tim Goss

Published July 2003
What makes the Sun shine? What is the Sun made of? Will the Sun last forever? Find the answers in this book! The Sun makes life possible on our planet. It can also harm us. It is 700 times heavier than all of the planets in our solar system...Read more

The Outer Planets

by Raman Prinja, Stuart Clark, and Tim Goss

Published 3 December 2002
What are the Outer Planets? Why might a planet be called a Gas Giant? How were the seventh, eighth, and ninth planets discovered? Turn the pages of this book to look at these three planets far away from the Sun. See how different Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are from...Read more

What are comets and where do they come from? Why do we need to study asteroids? What are meteor showers? Find the answers in this book! Some comets take thousands of years to move once around the Sun. But Halley's Comet comes by every 76 years. Learn where billions...Read more

Unravel the mysteries of space with this comprehensive series covering planets of the Solar System, stars and more. Revised edition includes recent discoveries and space missions, including the most recent images of space. Fact files sum up the properties of the planets and stars discussed in each book.

Unravel the mysteries of space with this comprehensive series covering planets of the Solar System, stars and more. Revised edition includes recent discoveries and space missions, including the most recent images of space. Fact files sum up the properties of the planets and stars discussed in each book.

The Moon

by Raman Prinja, Stuart Clark, and Tim Goss

Published 27 June 2007
Why does the Moon seem to change shape? What is the surface of the Moon like? Could you ever live on the Moon? Find the answers in this book! People used to think there were seas on the Moon. Find out what they were looking at. Learn about the...Read more