Book 48

August Boeckh's work, first published in 1817, is still regarded as one of the most thorough treatments of the economic structures of Athenian society. Boeckh makes exhaustive use of the epigraphical and literary sources he has at his disposal and covers a wide range of topics. Volume 2 consists of the source material upon which Boeckh bases his findings about the Athenian economy. There are extracts from the accounts of the 'holy funds', and others from statements that detail the income and expenditure of the Treasury of the Athenians at Delphi. Other documents relate to the upkeep of the Parthenon and other temples; and to trade agreements such as that made between Athens and the island of Kea, detailing the removal of red stone from the island to the city. Boeckh also investigates the effect of the Peloponnesian War on the economy. This reissue is of the 1886 edition.