
by John Farman

Published 7 November 1996
SEX, DRUGS, EDUCATION, POLITICS, SPORT, MARRIAGE, MEDICINE ...C.R.A.P. dishes the dirt on the way your elders and 'betters' fumble with the big issues affecting YOU. Think about it - it's YOUR LIFE and adults (richer, more powerful, and in total control) get all the airtime. It's time for teens to turn ...John Farman's revolutionary C.R.A.P. exposes the social hypocrisy, political fact-twisting, conspiratorial networks, 'holier than thou' clap-trap and concealed cock-ups of our do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do elders.

Factually fascinating, incredibly unforgettable and fabulously funny, John Farman's updated hysterical history of Britain, Part II has new fact-filled chapters and cartoons to bring it bang-up-to-date. It's the ultimate source of info from the forties baby-boomers through the swinging sixties right up to the political scandals of the 1997 general election. This new edition, updated with a bit of Blair and more of Major is the wackiest and wittiest book of modern history around, and includes all the juicy tit-bits boring chronicles leave out. Miss it - amd miss out!