Book 1

Panic Encyclopedia

by Arthur Kroker

Published 1 May 1989

The Postmodern Scene

by Arthur Kroker

Published 1 January 1986

' favourite book of last year...a truly courageous attempt to pin down post-modern culture.' Peter Aspden, Times Higher Educational Supplement

Body Invaders

by Arthur Kroker and Marilouise Kroker

Published 1 November 1987

The Possessed Individual

by Arthur Kroker

Published 2 December 1991
The impact of French theory from Baudrillard and Barthes to Virilio, Lyotard, Deleuze and Guattari in the form of post-structuralism and postmodern theory has, Arthur Kroker argues, masked its true significance as an eloquent account of technology not as an object we can hold outside ourselves but an invasive...Read more

Data Trash

by Arthur Kroker and Micheal A. Weinstein

Published 15 September 1994