John Hunt's book guides you through the use of the UML and the Unified Process and their application to Java systems. Key topics focus explicitly on applying the notation and the method to Java. The book is clearly structured and written, making it ideal for practitioners. This second edition is considerably revised and extended and includes examples taken from the latest version of Rational Rose and Together.

Considers how Agile Modelling fits with the Unified Process, and presents Design Patterns

Self contained - covers both the Unified Process and UML in one book

Includes real-world case studies

Written by an experienced author and industry expert

Ideal for students on Software Engineering courses

In this book, John Hunt and Chris Loftus take you through the core
technologies that make up the Enterprise Edition of the Java 2
platform (J2EE). They cover all the aspects of J2EE that both
professionals and students need to know to build multi-tier enterprise
applications in Java - the technologies, the design methodology and design
Whether you are a professional or student, this book will help equip you
with the skills you need to build enterprise wide applications
in Java.
Key Topics
Includes design issues using J2EE patterns
Covers all parts of the enterprise application J2EE
Uses an integrated example that spans the chapters to be built up by the
More accessible and less daunting than a lot of the competition
A coherent whole, rather than independent separate chapters (as with some
Features and Benefits
Provides an overview of J2EE technologies and their benefits.
Discusses architectural design issues using J2EE patterns.
Looks at the issues of designing and building multi-tier J2EE
Includes fully worked examples, built up throughout the book, which enable
you to quickly develop your own multi-tier applications.
About the Authors:
Dr. John Hunt is Technical Director at JayDeeTechnology Ltd. He runs
industrial courses, including server-side Java technologies.
He also leads development projects for government and blue chip
organisations using Java, J2EE, XML and C#.
Chris Loftus is a Teaching Fellow at the Department of Computer Science at
the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. He has taught
Java-based courses, including J2EE, both in university and industry.