Marie Antoinette

by Kathryn Lasky

Published 5 April 2010
Young Marie Antoinette has a recurring nightmare, in which the broken
head of her porcelain doll is her own. Marie Antoinette doesn't
know her fate, but she knows her destiny to one day be the Queen
of France. But all the preparation in the world cannot equip
her for the adventure she is about to embark upon.


by Kathryn Lasky

Published 21 February 2003
My Story: Mayflower is the thrilling story of a
young girl arriving in the New World after a 65-day sea voyage.

Remember (Mem) and her family have survived the gruelling sea
voyage and reached the New World. Despite conditions, Mem is fearless
- she helps care for the sick and wants more than anything
to settle into her new home. Will she be able to do so with
her friends and family?

Experience history first-hand with My Story in this all-new

Daughter of a fallen queen, young Princess Elizabeth lives a complicated and dangerous life. She fears her father's famous temper but loves him dearly - she would trade all her jewels just to be noticed by him! As the royal family moves palaces, court intrigue swirls around the young princess, under the threat of a French invasion...

At just 11 years old, the young princess Mary is sent from her native Scotland to live in the court of her future father-in-law, King Henry-II of France. She spends her time attending balls, hunting and hawking, learning Latin and fractions and music, and playing with her future husband, Francis. But all the while Mary is quite.