Gossip from Thrush Green

by Miss Read

Published 19 October 1981
GOSSIP FROM THRUSH GREEN returns readers to the delightful English village, neighbor to Fairacre, for a golden summer. But this sleepy, pristine setting conceals a flurry of activity amongst the villagers. Rumor has it that Mr. Venables is considering retirement just as the village's teacher is about to make an important decision. Molly Curdle prepares for a new baby. The kindly vicar, Charles Henstock, works on his sermon -- quite unaware of the disaster that will overtake him. However, there is never any doubt that all will end well in this very English village.

Affairs at Thrush Green

by Miss Read

Published 3 October 1983

The well-loved residents of Thrush Green return in another slice of village life.

Charles Henstock, rector of Thrush Green, has difficulty living up to his predecessor when he moves to the parish of Lulling. He faces opposition from the fearsome Mrs Thurgood and her arty daughter, Janet.

Everyone in the district seems to be having their share of problems, not least Albert Piggott, who dreads the return of his wife Nelly.

Meanwhile Kit Armitage returns to set elderly hearts fluttering. Could there be wedding bells in Thrush Green?

Mrs. Pringle

by Miss Read

Published 23 November 1947