Silver Mist

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 15 September 2005

Krista learns that a gang of horse thieves has stolen several of the famous wild ponies that live on Hartfell moor. She returns to the magic place on the cliff path to ask Shining Star for help. They track down the gang as they plan another raid, but events run out of control as the whole herd of ponies runs towards some dangerous cliffs.

How can Krista and Silver Star save the ponies from a fatal fall?

Shining Star

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 15 September 2005

Shining Star always appears to Krista when they need to help someone in trouble. And now Drifter, the new chestnut pony, is missing from his stables. Nathan Steele's taken him out on the cliffs, and he's only a beginner.

It's time for Krista and her magical pony to save the day!

North Star

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 20 July 2006

It's wintertime, with long nights and plenty of time for stargazing. One night, Krista senses that Shining Star is in trouble. She goes immediately to the magic spot and hears his voice, telling her that he's trapped - he's been caught up in a plot to steal some thoroughbreds from a local stable, and imprisoned with them.

How can Krista help? She realises that she must call in Star's brother and sister, North Star and Pale Moon ... but how can she find them?

Red Skies

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 19 October 2006
Comanche is one of Krista's favourite ponies, and she loves to gallop him through the waves. But one day, disaster strikes. Comanche throws Krista, then runs off! Where can he be?

Dawn Light

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 6 April 2006
Krista's dad has lost his job, and they're going to have to leave their home! Krista can't bear the thought of saying goodbye to her beloved ponies. Then an accident leaves her being the one who needs to be saved. Will Shining Star come to her rescue?

New Beginnings

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 21 June 2007

Krista is preparing for Open Day at the stables she loves. They need more people to ride the ponies, or the stables may have to close. But then disaster strikes - a fire breaks out, and the ponies are in danger ...

It's time for Krista and Shining Star to save the day!

Pale Moon

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 18 May 2006

Shining Star always helps Krista when there's someone in trouble. But now it's Star himself who needs help - his sister, Pale Moon, is in danger. As the floodwater rises, they must fly to her rescue ...

It's time for Krista and Shining Star to save the day!

Sea Haze

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 17 August 2006

Darcy, a friend of Krista's from school, leaves her dog with Krista to look after while she's away. Molly is a beautiful golden retriever and Krista loves her. She has a wonderful time with Molly, running her along the cliff path on summer evenings.

But then Molly disappears! Everyone is involved in the search, but she is nowhere to be found. Krista rides out in search, feeling scared about Molly and guilty that she hasn't looked after her well enough for Darcy. She calls Shining Star, but he has urgent matters to deal with. Can he help in the search for Molly?

Falling Leaves

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 21 September 2006

The owner of Krista's stable yard has been rushed to hospital! Krista promises she'll take care of the ponies. But when it looks like the stables will have to close, Krista comes up with a dramatic solution ...

Bright Eyes

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 19 January 2006

Krista's got a new neighbour! Alice is very shy and homesick, and Krista's worried about her. She wants Shining Star to fly Alice back home - but her magical pony has a better idea ...

It's time for Krista and Shining Star to save the day!

Summertime Blues

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 15 June 2006
There's a new girl at the stables. Bonnie follows Krista around everywhere, and even comes close to seeing Shining Star! But when Bonnie gets into trouble, will Krista risk her pony's secret and fly to the rescue?

Secret Whispers

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 19 April 2007
When Krista meets Lee Harris, she knows he has a special talent to make all horses understand him! But then Sugar, a lonely and neglected pony, arrives at the stables. Krista needs all that Lee has taught her to keep Sugar's trust ...

Starlight Dream

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 15 February 2007

Krista secretly longs to enter the show-jumping competition. In her daydreams, she wins it with flying colours. But then the owner of her dream pony returns from holiday. Will Krista be able to enter the contest at all?

Midnight Snow

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 16 February 2006

Ice and snow cover Hartfell, cutting off the Lewis family who live high on the moor. Krista and Shining Star fly to the rescue. But will the harsh grip of winter defeat them?

It's time for Krista and Shining Star to save the day!

Summer Shadows

by Jenny Oldfield

Published 2 March 2006

One of the young ponies at the stable yard, Drifter, has been sold back to his previous owner. On a sunny summer day, Krista bids him a sad goodbye. But then she hears he's being neglected. He needs to be rescued!

It's time for Krista and Shining Star to save the day!