Book 2

Oliver's Fruit Salad

by Vivian French

Published 15 April 1998

Oliver, star of Oliver's Vegetables, is back from his healthy week eating vegetables at his grandpa's house. Suddenly, the fruit at home doesn't seem quite good enough for Oliver. What is his mum to do?

Other titles in this series:

Oliver's Fruit Salad
Oliver's Milkshake

Book 3

Oliver's Milkshake

by Vivian French

Published 20 July 2000
First it was his vegetables. Then it was his fruit. Now it's his milk - will Oliver ever like what's good for him? Spend a day on the farm with him and find out!

Oliver's Vegetables

by Vivian French

Published 3 August 1995

Do you like chips? Oliver does. In fact, he won't eat anything else - until he plays a game with his grandpa.
Whatever vegetable Oliver finds in the garden, he must eat. On Monday, he pulls up carrots, on Tuesday, it is spinach . . .

An excellent book for parents with slightly fussy children, which also introduces the days of the week.

Other titles in this series:
Oliver's Fruit Salad
Oliver's Milkshake