Neo-Paganism is a polytheistic religion that connects the worlds of myth and reality, the heavens and the Earth, life and death, persona and planet.
But what is this movement? What is it based upon, and what effect might it have on the cultural and spiritual framework of the Western world? What are Neo-Paganism's core beliefs, and what does it offer its practitioners? Finally, how does it answer the needs of our time?
"The Truth About Neo-Paganism" answers these questions and draws together the diverse forms of one of today's fastest-growing religions to give you a clear overview of Neo-Paganism.
"The Truth About Neo-Paganism" describes numerous specific Neo-Pagan traditions including: Gardnerian Witchcraft; Seax Wicca; Family Traditions; Dianics; Faerie Wicca; Druidism; Norse Paganism (Asatru); Alexandrian Witchcraft, and many more.
"The Truth About Neo-Paganism" counters many of the misconceptions sometimes spread by misinformed members of the media. Discover the real truth about the peaceful people who believe that you should "harm none."