Book 1

Throughout the 11th and 12th centuries the Norman knight was possibly the most feared warrior in Western Europe. He was descended originally from the Vikings who had settled in Northern France under their leader Rollo in or around 911 at the behest of Charles the Simple and throughout the...Read more

Book 35

This book is a detailed and fascinating look at the English knight through the high watermark of the age of mail. This, and all the other equipment a knight needed are examined, together with the role of squires. In order to take a 'through the eyes' look at the...Read more

Book 48

This volume details the life of the English knight during the 13th century, a period in which knighthood became so expensive that many eligible men had to be forced into it by royal command. How the tournament, a highly dangerous but lucrative way of accumulating wealth and status, evolved...Read more

Book 58

The 14th-century knight lived in a time of change, in terms of both recruitment methods and the appearance of fighting men. This title describes all aspects of the knight's life, including his training in the castle yard and the hard knocks of the tournament. The knight's life on campaign...Read more