Book 654


by William McGuire

Published 21 October 1982

This lively, intimate, sometimes disrespectful, but always knowledgeable history of the Bollingen Foundation confirms its pervasive influence on American intellectual life. Conceived by Paul and Mary Mellon as a means of publishing in English the collected works of C. G. Jung, the Foundation broadened to encompass scholarship and publication in a remarkable number of fields. Here are wonderful portraits of the central figures, including the Mellons, Jung himself, Heinrich Zimmer, Joseph Campbell, D. T. Suzuki, Natacha Rambova, Vladimir Nabokov, Gershom Scholem, Herbert Read, and Kurt and Helen Wolff.

Dream Analysis, Volume I

by William McGuire

Published 21 April 1984
While the basis of these seminars is a series of 30 dreams of a male patient of Jung's, the commentary ranges associatively over a broad expanse of Jung's learning and experience. A special value of the seminar is the close view it gives of Jung's method of dream analysis through amplification. The editorial aim has been to preserve the integrity of Jung's text.