Having baked six dozen Christmas cookies for themselves and been given many more by the neighbors, Gus and Grandpa find a rewarding solution to disposing of their extra holiday treats.

Gus and Grandpa

by Claudia Mills

Published 19 March 1997
Gus and Grandpa have a loving, warm relationship.

Gus and Grandpa at the Hospital

by Claudia Mills

Published 1 September 1998
Gus must visit the hospital when his beloved Grandpa has a heart attack.

Gus waves at the train near his grandfather's house, sets up a toy train, and eventually gets to ride on the train with his grandfather.

Gus and Grandpa Go Fishing

by Claudia Mills

Published 17 September 2003
Gus goes fishing for the first time and receives expert guidance from his grandfather.

Second-grader Gus wants a store-bought Halloween costume to wear to school, but because he knows his parents do not believe in buying costumes, he turns to his grandfather for help.

After Gus, who would rather play outside than practice music, does not do too well at his piano recital, his grandfather shows him how music can be fun.

Gus and Grandpa at Basketball

by Claudia Mills

Published 7 September 2001
Gus enjoys basketball practice, but the noise and pace of real games bother him, until his grandpa gives him some good advice.