Daniel O'Rourke

by Gerald McDermott

Published 28 August 1986
Because of a pooka spirit, Daniel O'Rourke embarks on a fantastic journey.

Flecha al Sol

by Gerald McDermott

Published 1 February 1991

Arrow to the Sun

by Gerald McDermott

Published 1 January 1974
With vibrant colors and bold geometric forms, Gerald McDermott brilliantly captures the stylized look of Pueblo Indian art in this Caldecott Award-winning retelling of an ancient legend. A young boy searches for his father, but before he can claim his heritage he must first prove his worthiness by passing...Read more

A very poor Irishman is provided with magical things by the "wee folk", but he must then keep his good fortune out of the hands of the greedy McGoons.

Mcdermott Gerald : Magic Tree

by Gerald McDermott

Published 29 September 1977
Retells a Congolese tale in which an ugly and unloved twin discovers a magic tree that gives him everything he wants.