The Smug Pug

by Anna Wilson

Published 31 January 2013
There's a new kid in Crumbly-under-Edge. Smug the pug is clever, funny and full of surprises. And his owner, Tallulah Foghorn, is just as fantastic. PIppa Peppercorn has fallen head over heels for the devastating duo. Dash the dachshund, on the other paw, is not sure. He thinks Smug...Read more

The Dotty Dalmatian

by Anna Wilson

Published 2 August 2012
Business is booming at the Pooch Parlour, so Mrs Fudge hires a cool new assistant who is an instant favourite with all the dogs. Pippa Peppercorn isn't so sure, however - there's something strange about the new girl. Meanwhile, a string of unsolved burglaries and a mysterious spotty dog...Read more

The Poodle Problem

by Anna Wilson

Published 2 February 2012
Nine-year-old Pippa Peppercorn loves helping out at the only beauty salon in the quiet town of Crumbly-Under-Edge. A cosy joint run by the cuddly Mrs Semolina Ribena Fudge, customers and their pets stop by as much for the tea and sympathy as for a trim. But when rival beautician...Read more