Book 463

Since the early Middle Ages, the royal families of Europe have rewarded loyal service with a wide range of Orders of Knighthood and Chivalry. Although many ancient Orders have fallen into disuse over time, many European states continue to award Orders for distinguished service and the exquisite badges and...Read more

Book 636

Britain has issued medals rewarding war service since at least the early nineteenth century, and increasingly through the period of its imperial expansion, but examples of many of the early types are now scarce. However, few families escaped some involvement with the 'Great War' of 1914–18 and many still...Read more

Since ancient times soldiers have been honoured for gallantry in battle. Over the years and in different societies such honours have taken many forms byut since the 1850s specific acts of bravery 'in the face of the enemy' by British and Imperial forces have been recognised by the award...Read more