Book 477


by Alan Meredith

Published 10 September 2008
The humble buckle is an oft-taken for granted fastening, yet its usefulness and sturdiness has ensured that it has survived from ancient times through to the present day. The author provides a comprehensive typology of buckles, from the earliest designs to the most recent uses. With detailed records of the types of buckles from different historical periods and listings of museums where they can be found, this book offers the re-enactor essential guidance for period costumes, and provides the collector or enthusiast with the information needed to continue or begin to learning about this enduring and practical object.


by Gillian Meredith

Published 1 January 2011


by Alan Meredith and Gillian Meredith

Published 1 June 2004
Buttons have been made from almost every known material and by every manufacturing technique. Their study provides insight into fashion trends, the clothing industry and social history in general. This book introduces the wonderful array of these treasures from the past, to show the variety of materials and the intricate design and workmanship incorporated in the making of the humble button. Military and civilian uniform buttons are not included. Buttons can still be found amongst small items of silver or jewellery on antique stalls. The discerning eye can also spot interesting examples at boot fairs or charity shops. Collecting buttons can therefore be a hobby for everyone, however much or little they have to spend.