What is the dance of the chromosomes? Which flower smells of rotting meat? What is the Millennium Seed Bank? How do plants develop? What is cross-pollination? How do insects help new generations of plants? 'Plant Reproduction' provides the answers you want.

Plant Habitats

by Louise Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 1 November 2002
Which plant has only two leaves? How does a strangler fig kill its victims? Where can you find a tree that bleeds? Why do plants live where they do? How do plants survive extremes of climate? How do plants adapt to their location? 'Plant Habitats' provides the answers you want.

Which plant has flowers up to three feet across? How do plants give us energy from sunshine? How is VIADOCS helping scientists? How are plants organized into different groups? Can you easily name plants? Do you need a microscope to identify a plant? 'Plant Classification' provides the answers you want.

Plant Products

by Louise Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 1 November 2002
How can plant oils help your heart? Which plants can absorb metals? Can kidney beans be poisonous? How have people used plants through time? What can be built from plants? How do you use plants every day? 'Plant Products' provides the answers you want.

Plant Parts

by Louise Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 1 November 2002
Describes the world of plants and the various parts of specific plants, such as flower, seed, roots, trunk, and more.

Plant Growth

by Louise Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 1 November 2002
What is a tropism? How do plants use hormones? What happens in a meristem? What do plants need to grow? How do they make their own food? What happens when they die? 'Plant Growth' provides the answers you want.