'I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading and thinking about this book. I would make staff read it, saving all our INSET budget. It resonates so well with our Teaching and Learning and Behaviour policies that staff, for various reasons, can't, won't, don't always apply...How can anyone resist a book where the words 'heuristic' and 'oodles' occur in adjacent sentences?...It is very readable and should have a big impact on Maths teaching.' Catherine Sykes, Deputy Headteacher, Gawthorpe High School, Burnley. Following the outrageously successful formula of Getting the Buggers to Behave, this extremely practical guide equips teachers with a huge number of strategies for improving pupils' numeracy skills in the classroom. Mike Ollerton shows how active learning, equipment based and surprise perspectives can bring mathematics alive. Brimming with useful tips and inspirational advice on every aspect of mathematics teaching, this book will prove essential reading for mathematics teachers everywhere.