Pornography of Meat

by Carol J. Adams

Published 2 February 2016
For 30 years since the publication of her landmark polemic The Sexual Politics of Meat, Carol J. Adams and her readers have continued to document and hold to account the degrading interplay of the language of women and meat in advertising, politics and media. Including over 100 images, the sequel, The Pornography of Meat charts the continued influence of this language and the fight against it.

The Bloomsbury Revelations edition of The Pornography of Meat brings the book up-to-date to include the growth of online media and advertising, the impact of Donald Trump and the alt-right on our political language and the #MeToo movement. Never has this book - or Adams' analysis - been more relevant.

Neither Man nor Beast

by Carol J. Adams

Published 28 November 2015
In this landmark work of animal rights activism, Carol J. Adams - the bestselling author of The Sexual Politics of Meat - explores the intersections and common causes of feminism and the defense of animals. Neither Man Nor Beast explores the common link between cultural attitudes to women and animals in modern Western culture that have enabled the systematic exploitation of both. A vivid work that takes in environmental ethics, theological perspectives and feminist theory, the Bloomsbury Revelations edition includes a new foreword by the author and new images illustrating the continuing relevance of the book today.

The Sexual Politics of Meat is Carol Adams’ inspiring and controversial exploration of the interplay between contemporary society’s ingrained cultural misogyny and its obsession with meat and masculinity. First published in 1990, the book has continued to change the lives of tens of thousands of readers into the second decade of the 21st century.

Published in the year of the book's 25th anniversary, the Bloomsbury Revelations edition includes a substantial new afterword, including more than 20 new images and discussions of recent events that prove beyond doubt the continuing relevance of Adams' revolutionary book.

First published in 1990, Carol J. Adams’ revolutionary work has engaged, enraged, inspired and challenged readers with its exploration of the interplay between society’s ingrained cultural misogyny and its obsession with eating animals and masculinity. This iconic book, referenced in rock songs, feminist artwork and even a Law and Order SVU episode, continues to change the lives of its readers today.

Published to celebrate the book’s 35th anniversary, this Bloomsbury Revelations edition includes a new introduction that reflects on how recent events continue to prove the relevance of this influential work.