Schools Around the World

by Moira Butterfield

Published 30 December 2015

Food Around the World

by Moira Butterfield

Published 30 December 2015

Take a journey around the world to discover the schools of children just like you!

Where in the world do children walk along a narrow mountain path to get to school?
Where do children learn outside to keep cool, and where do they learn inside with a cosy fire?
What do children...

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Homes Around the World

by Moira Butterfield

Published 30 December 2015

Take a journey around the world to discover the transport methods used by of children just like you!

Where in the world do children learn to run their own railway?
What is the best way to travel across a sandy desert?
What colours are the cable cars of La Paz, in...

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Take a journey around the world to discover some fantastic foods eaten by children just like you!

Where in the world do children eat soup for breakfast?
What is eaten at New Year's Eve celebrations in Italy?
Where do people eat fried tarantulas as a tasty snack?

Find out in Food Around...

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Clothes Around the World

by Moira Butterfield

Published 30 December 2015

Take a journey around the world to discover some fantastic clothes worn by children around the world!

What do children wear in Russia where the temperature drops to minus 50?
What do children wear in the Middle East to protect themselves from burning sun and stinging sandstorms?
What do colours mean...

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Take a journey around the world to discover the homes of children just like you!

Where in the world do children live in reed houses on floating islands?
Where are the highest homes: in the city skyscrapers, or in the snowy mountains?
Why are some houses in India painted blue, and why...

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Take a journey around the world to discover the toys and games of children just like you!

Where in the world do children play 'the blanket toss' game?
Where do children practice their skills for fierce kite fighting tournaments?
What's inside a Russian matryoshka doll?
Find out in Toys and Games Around the...

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