More Dog Trouble

by Rose Impey

Published 24 November 1994
Aimed specifically at developing reading ability, and holding the reader's imagination, the text is integrated with illustrations, cartoons and jokes. Dad said Holly was always looking for trouble, but when he decided to take her to dog training classes, Holly has a big surprise in store.

Houdini Dog

by Rose Impey

Published 27 October 1988
One of a series of stories for the child who is beginning to enjoy reading, which uses large, clear type and pays attention to length and word-spacing. In this sequel to Desperate for a Dog, two little girls cannot decide what to name their dog until finally the dog chooses one herself.

Holly’s Puppies

by Rose Impey

Published 29 May 1998

Once we were Desperate for a Dog, but now she’s got FIVE puppies!

When Button, Lady, Nipper, Noddy and Bruiser are born, everyone knows there’s going to be trouble. Dad is adamant that the family are not going to keep ANY of the puppies. Certainly not. Out of the question. Absolutely no… no… no… no… NO! Naturally enough, the girls have other ideas and are keeping their fingers well and truly crossed.

This is Rose Impey’s fourth compelling Jets title about the two dog-crazy sisters and their canine shenanigans.


by Rose Impey

Published 14 April 1988

You know how it is when you REALLY want something? Well, we’re desperate for a dog.
Jets is a series of simple stories with lots of lively pictures, ideal for children who are just beginning to enjoy reading.

You know how it is when you really want something? Really, REALLY want something. That’s how my sister and I felt. We really wanted a dog. But mum and dad kept saying no. We HAD to think of something to change their minds. I mean, we were getting desperate.