How to Market Your Book

by Lynn Morrison

Published 1 August 2020
These days, regardless of whether a book is self-published or traditionally published, there will be an expectation on the author to take an active role in marketing their book. Based on a series of interviews with successful authors from both sides of the publishing divide and both sides of the pond, Lynn lays out in detail the marketing strategies that have worked for them, alongside an explanation of how book marketing works based on her own long-standing career as a senior marketing exec.

From developing social media tactics and arranging promotional events to handling press and trying to start viral campaigns, Lynn offers practical advice designed to help an author find a book marketing strategy that best works for them, based on their personal strengths and budget.

How to Be Published

by Lynn Morrison

Published 1 August 2020
Theoretically there has never been a better time to become a published writer. But for anyone looking to venture into today's publishing landscape, it can be a daunting prospect - self-publish? Look for an agent? Go direct to an indie publisher? And what exactly is digital-first publishing?

'How to Be Published' is the first book to offer an unbiased guide to the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing, along with all the myriad options in between - helping an author navigate the complex world of publishing and find the best path for them, their book and their writing aspirations.