Quick Before They Catch Us

by Mark Timlin

Published 21 October 1999

Family trouble! Growing old quietly was never really an option for Nick Sharman. When he takes on a job for a prosperous Manchester businessman looking for his runaway teenage daughter, Meena, he should, perhaps, have known better. He finds himself in a race against time to save he girl from the kind of trouble that gives families a bad name. Trying to do the right thing, Nick swaps sides and ends up starring in his own version of a Straw Dogs shoot out with family and friends, where nobody comes out the winner.

Find My Way Home

by Mark Timlin

Published 11 April 1996

Harry Stonehouse had been a cop, a good one - and straight, unlike Nick Sharman. After taking early retirement he'd landed a job at a security firm. Now he's dead, and his wife wants Nick to find out who killed him and why.

Nick's been taking a close look at hell recently and doesn't care too much about anything beyond the next Jack Daniel's. But Harry had been a friend, and Nick had screwed his wife and he feels sorry for her. Big mistake.

In an unlikely partnership with ex-DI Robber, escaping from resentful retirement at his sister's, Sharman sets off in pursuit - and finds himself swept along in the deadly aftermath of a £20 million heist. And with that much money at stake, betrayal, double-crossing and murder are just for starters...

The Turnaround

by Mark Timlin

Published 5 December 1991

Zip Gun Boogie

by Mark Timlin

Published 9 April 1992