Hot Sex

by Emily Dubberley

Published 1 December 2010
One of the questions Emily is most commonly asked as an agony aunt is: 'How can I keep my relationship fresh?' In "Hot Sex", the latest in the Emily Dubberley series of bestselling "Bookinabox" sex titles, she provides not just one but 28 answers! "Hot Sex" is a complete programme of steps - hints, tips, ideas, suggestions and games (all based on personal experience) - guaranteed to transform your technique from casual and predictable to accomplished and adventurous - in under a month. Emily draws on her academic research into female fantasy plus her experience of founding a website, the UK's leading website for women, and Scarlet, the UK's first sex magazine for women, to present the ultimate fun guide to spicing up your sex life.

Sex Play

by Emily Dubberley

Published 23 May 2005
Swing the box open to reveal the book and its related items. Whenever you feel like having some fun with your lover, the "Sex Play" box is guaranteed to get you going. Complete the 'dare card' challenges and throw the dice. Let the numbers determine the game you play, how you play it and who does what to whom. More fun than you thought possible...and it's all left to fate and the roll of the dice. The box includes: 9 dare cards, casting board 255 X 255 mm, and 3 dice.

More Sex Play

by Emily Dubberley

Published 14 October 2006
The response to the original "Sex Play", first published in the UK in spring 05, has been impressive. It seems the formula of handy box, fun dice and outrageous things to do in the privacy and comfort of your own home has been enthusiastically received. So now, there's more! Sex expert, Emily Dubberley is better qualified than most to conjure up another daring collection of adult entertainment, and this time she's pulled out all the stops. Drawing on her experience of editing the UK's first ladette magazine "Scarlett" 'for women who get it', and reviewing contributions to her sex website, Emily once again presents games that you never thought you'd play.


by Emily Dubberley

Published 10 January 2012
Emily Dubberley's "Bookinabox" titles have been the most successful in the series, with total sales to date of over 600,000 copies in 11 countries. Now comes "Arousal" presenting 50 innovative and exciting games and top tips to gently and slowly tease your lover, using all five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. You can work your way through the fun ideas in order, or you can use the Senses Wheel to help get you started, to add an element of surprise to your lovemaking. And the silky scarf will bring an extra sensuous touch to proceedings.

Fantasy Sex

by Emily Dubberley

Published 21 September 2009
You've had fun with "Sex Play", and increased it with "More Sex Play". Now it's time to venture into the realms of fantasy. Packed with fantasy tips and games, you can work your way through the book in order - from Simple Starters to Fetish Fun - or choose a section that suits your particular fantasies. The Fantasy Cards dare you to venture into new and exciting scenarios with your lover. And the fantasy mask and 'dickie' bow - to be worn with pride! - will help get you started. So, dim the lights, open the box and let the fun begin...This pack includes: 12 cards 85 X 42 mm, mask & dickie bow tie.

Seduction Box

by Emily Dubberley

Published 30 April 2010
Emily presents the ultimate guide to seduction, shows you how to enhance your powers of attraction, how to flirt, how to create the perfect date and how to enjoy the intimacy. Don't worry - it's all good, clean fun. Each of the four sections comprises ten topics: ideas, advice, scenarios, body-language guidance, communication, turn-ons, turn-offs, building on progress - plus two games to play. It's important not to take your seduction practice too seriously. Simply have fun, wear the irresistible garter and lay a seductive trail of love hearts messages...and the rest will follow.