Book 1

Gold Digger

by Vicki Delany

Published 1 January 2009
It's the spring of 1898, and Dawson is the most exciting town in North America. Fiona MacGillivray has crawled over the Chilkoot Pass determined to make her fortune as the owner of the Savoy dance hall. But first there's the issue of the dead body on centre stage.

Book 2

Gold Fever

by Vicki Delany

Published 1 January 2010
Book Two of the Klondike Mystery Series by Vicki Delany! A newcomer to town has secrets Fiona doesn't want revealed... Its the spring of 1898, and thousands of people, from all corners of the globe, are flooding into the Yukon Territory in the pursuit of gold, the town of Dawson welcomes them all. The beautiful Fiona MacGillivray, the owner of the very successful Savoy dance hall, is happy to make as much money as possible in as short a time as possible. When her twelve-year-old son Angus saves the life of a Native woman intent on suicide, he inadvertently sets off a chain of events that offers his mothers arch-enemy Joey LeBlanc, the madam with a heart of coal, the opportunity to destroy the Savoy Dance Hall once and for all. Unaware of impending danger, Fiona has other concerns: among the new arrivals are a would-be writer with far more tenacity than talent, and her nervous companion. There's something familiar about the newcomers cut-glass accent, and Fiona MacGillivray is determined to keep her as far away from Angus as possible. Then a killer strikes, and the Mounties are determined to get their man...or woman. If you loved Gold Fever, check out the next two books of the series, Gold Mountain, and Gold Web

Book 4

Gold Web

by Vicki Delany

Published 1 January 2013
The year is 1898. Dawson City, Yukon. An unknown man staggers out of the dusk to collapse at the feet of a startled Fiona MacGillivray and gasps a final two words: MacGillivray, Culloden.

Gold Mountain

by Vicki Delany

Published 1 January 2012

When Fiona MacGillivray refuses the bandit Paul Sheridan, it's up to her son to to save her.

Book Three of the Klondike Mystery Series by Vicki Delany!

In the summer of 1897, Fiona MacGillivray and her eleven year-old son, Angus, arrive in Vancouver in time to hear the news gold discovered in the Klondike! Fiona immediately sets off for Skagway, Alaska, intent on opening a theatre. After one encounter with infamous gangster Soapy Smith and his henchman Paul Sheridan, she decides to pursue her ambitions on the other side of the border in Dawson City. As a dying man breathes his last, he passes on to Sheridan a map pointing due north to the fabled Gold Mountain, where hills of gold keep the heat from hot springs contained in a valley as warm as California.

Sheridan is determined to become the king of Gold Mountain and to marry Fiona and make her his queen. Fiona, of course, wants no part of these mad plans. When Sheridan refuses to take no for an answer, Fiona must rely on Corporal Sterling of the North-West Mounted Police, young Angus, and a headstrong assortment of townsfolk to help thwart his scheme.

If you loved Gold Mountain, check out the fourth book of the series, Gold Web.
