These women took action in many ways: disguised as soldiers, working as field medics, as spies risking death to secure or pass along information, and more. Contextualizing sidebars and Civil War history are woven seamlessly throughout, giving students a clear overview of the war in addition to the spotlight on often overlooked women’s roles. Also included are numerous historic photos, source notes, and a bibliography, making this an invaluable resource for any student’s or history buff’s bookshelf.

Case for Sergeant Beef

by Leo Bruce

Published 17 May 1975

Case with No Conclusion

by Leo Bruce

Published 1 January 1984
Once again Lionel Townsend, Beef's Dr. Watson, faithfully records the redoubtable Sergeant's escapades. Beef has left the Braxham police and gone into business for himself. Beef gets a client: Stewart Ferrars, who has been arrested for the Sydenham Murder. Beef is hired by Stewart's brother Peter to prove Stewart is innocent of the murder of Dr. Benson, who has been found stabbed in the throat in the library of Peter's gloomy Victorian mansion, The Cypresses. An ornamental dagger with Peter's fingerprints on it has been left on a table near the dead man's armchair.

Cold Blood

by Leo Bruce

Published 18 May 1976