Traveller in Time

by Alison Uttley

Published December 1939

Read by Imogen Stubbs


When Penelope goes to stay with her aunt and uncle in an ancient Derbyshire farmhouse, she is immediately drawn to the wonderful atmosphere of the place and longs to discover all the secrets of its past. Soon, Penelope finds herself slipping back in time to the sixteenth century, where she is welcomed by the Babbington family whose home it was then.
As the lines between past and present blur, Penelope becomes caught up in the tragic events that befall her new friends, as they make plans to rescue the doomed monarch, Mary Queen of Scots.

The Country Child

by Alison Uttley and C. Tunnicliffe

Published December 1955

THE COUNTRY CHILD is a semi-autobiographical story about a girl growing up in the country before the First World War. Alison Uttley has drawn on her own youth to produce memories so vivid and nostalgic that you can almost smell the honeysuckle and hear the owls calling at dusk. She writes about the small intense joys and sorrows of life on a small farm: the fun of haymaking, the sadness of favourite animals being slaughtered, and the close sweetness of Christmas celebrations in the farmhouse kitchen.

Also in A Puffin Book: A Traveller in Time by Alison Uttley