Bajo Sospecha
3 primary works
Book 4
Casey Carter fue condenada a prisión por el homicidio de su prometido, el famoso filántropo Hunter Raleigh III. Un crimen que entonces negaba y aún ahora niega haber...Read more
Casey Carter fue condenada a prisión por el homicidio de su prometido, el famoso filántropo Hunter Raleigh III. Un crimen que entonces negaba y aún ahora niega haber cometido. Quince años después, habiendo cumplido su condena, aún no se ha librado de las miradas de quienes la consideran una asesina.
Su historia parece un caso ideal para aparecer en el programa televisivo dirigido por Laurie Morgan, Bajo sospecha. Es la última oportunidad de Casey para limpiar su nombre. Laurie promete hacer todo lo posible para conseguirlo.
La reportera investigadora, sin embargo, deberá enfrentarse a un nuevo y ególatra jefe, a un columnista de cotilleos cuya curiosidad no parece conocer límites y a la mala reputación de la mujer a quien ha decidido ayudar. Todo ello para hacer lo que ella considera correcto y demostrar la inocencia de Casey de una vez por todas... si es que alguna vez fue inocente.
The third thrilling installment in the bestselling Under Suspicion series from #1 New York Timesbestselling author and Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke television producer Laurie Moran puts everything on the line to help a woman she thinks was wrongfully convicted of murder.
Casey Carter was convicted of murdering her fiance famed philanthropist Hunter Raleigh III fifteen years ago. And Casey claims has always claimed she s innocent. Although she was charged and served out her sentence in prison, she is still living under suspicion. She hears whispers at the grocery store. She can t get a job. Even her own mother treats her like she s guilty. Her story attracts the attention of Laurie Moran and the Under Suspicion news team it s Casey s last chance to finally clear her name, and Laurie pledges to exonerate her.
With Alex Buckley taking a break from the show cooling his potential romance with Laurie Under Suspicion introduces a new on-air host named Ryan Nichols, a young legal whiz with a Harvard Law degree, Supreme Court clerkship, experience as a federal prosecutor, and regular stints on the cable news circuit. He s got a big reputation and the attitude to match it. Ryan has no problems with steering and stealing the show, and even tries to stop Laurie from taking on Casey s case because he s so certain she s guilty.
An egomaniacal new co-host, a relentless gossip columnist who seems to have all the dirt (and a surprising informant), and Casey s longstanding bad reputation: Laurie must face this and more to do what she believes is right, to once and for all prove Casey s innocence that is, if she s innocent The Sleeping Beauty Killer will keep you guessing until the very end."
Book 5
La reina del baile / Every Breath You Take
by Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke
Hace tres años, Virginia Wakeling, miembro de la junta directiva del Museo Metropolitano de Arte y una de sus más importantes donantes, apareció muerta. Había sido arrojada...Read more
Hace tres años, Virginia Wakeling, miembro de la junta directiva del Museo Metropolitano de Arte y una de sus más importantes donantes, apareció muerta. Había sido arrojada desde la terraza del museo la noche en la que se celebraba una gala para recaudación de fondos. El principal sospechoso del asesinato fue entonces, como sigue siendo ahora, su joven novio y entrenador personal, Ivan Gray.
Ivan regenta un establecimiento llamado Punch, financiado en buena medida por la difunta Virginia... y frecuentado por Ryan Nichols, el nuevo presentador de Bajo sospecha. Fue él, de hecho, quien propuso investigar este caso cerrado para el programa. Cuando la productora, Laurie Moran, lo acepte, pronto se adentrará en una red de secretos y traiciones hasta descubrir que el peligro también lo acecha a ella.
The New York Times bestselling Under Suspicion series by the “Queen of Suspense” Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke returns with this gripping mystery following television producer’s Laurie Moran investigation of the unsolved Met Gala murder—in which a wealthy widow was pushed to her death from the famous museum’s rooftop.
Laurie Moran’s professional life is a success—her television show Under Suspicion is a hit, both in the ratings and its record of solving cold cases. But her romantic break from former host Alex Buckley has left her with on-air talent she can’t stand—Ryan Nichols—and a crippling sense of loneliness.
Now Ryan has suggested a new case. Three years ago, Virginia Wakeling, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and one of the museum’s most generous donors, was found dead in the snow, after being thrown from the museum’s roof on the night of the Met Gala. The leading suspect then and now is her much younger boyfriend and personal trainer, Ivan Gray.
Ivan runs a trendy, successful boutique gym called Punch—a business funded in no small part by the late Virginia—which happens to be the gym Ryan frequents. Laurie’s skepticism about the case is upended by a tip from her father’s NYPD connection, and soon Laurie realizes there are a bevy of suspects—including Virginia’s trusted inner circle.
As the Under Suspicion crew pries into the lives of a super wealthy real estate family with secrets to hide, danger mounts for several witnesses—and for Laurie.
Book 6
Nunca seré tuya / You Don't Own Me
by Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke
Hace cinco años, el famoso físico Martin Bell fue asesinado mientras regresaba a su casa de Greenwich Village. Sus padres siguen convencidos de que su esposa Kendra pergeñó la muerte y,...Read more
Hace cinco años, el famoso físico Martin Bell fue asesinado mientras regresaba a su casa de Greenwich Village. Sus padres siguen convencidos de que su esposa Kendra pergeñó la muerte y, decididos a hacerse con la custodia de sus nietos, contactan con Laurie Moran para que incluya su caso en el programa Bajo sospecha. Kendra, en cambio, que ha sido perseguida por los medios y a menudo acusada del crimen, ve una oportunidad para limpiar su nombre.
Cuando Laurie empieza a indagar en la historia, descubre que el doctor Bell no era ese perfecto marido y padre, sino que ocultaba muchos secretos. Y ¿qué relación guarda la red de mentiras de los Bell con el peligroso extraño que vigila a Moran desde lejos, aguardando el momento?
“Queen of Suspense” Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke are back with their fifth enthralling mystery in the New York Times bestselling Under Suspicion series; You Don’t Own Me finds television producer Laurie Moran stopping at nothing to solve the murder of a celebrity doctor—even as she finds herself in grave danger as a mysterious stalker plots his next move.
When we last saw Laurie Moran, she had recently become engaged to her show’s former host, Alex Buckley. Since then, the two have been happily planning a summer wedding and honeymoon, preparing for Alex’s confirmation to a federal judicial appointment, and searching for the perfect New York City home for their new life together.
But then Laurie is approached by Robert and Cynthia Bell, parents of Dr. Martin Bell, a famously charming and talented physician who was shot dead as he pulled into the driveway of his Greenwich Village carriage house five years ago. The Bells are sure that Martin’s disgraced and erratic wife, Kendra, carried out the murder. Determined to prove Kendra’s guilt and win custody over their grandchildren, they plead with Laurie to feature their son’s case on “Under Suspicion,” ensuring her that Kendra is willing to cooperate.
Kendra has lived under a blanket of suspicion since Martin’s death, with the tabloid media depicting her as a secretive, mentally unstable gold-digger. Laurie’s show is a chance for her to clear her name. But unbeknownst to the Bells, Kendra has already refused once before to go forward with a re-investigation of her husband’s murder, and her statements to the contrary only add to the appearance of guilt.
But once Laurie dives into the case, she learns that Martin wasn’t the picture-perfect husband, father, and doctor he appeared to be and was carrying secrets of his own. And what does the web of lies ensnaring the Bell family have to do with a dangerous stranger, who gazes at Laurie from afar and thinks, She is actually quite a lovely girl, I’m sure she’s going to be missed…?
You Don’t Own Me is the perfect, exhilarating follow up to the bestselling Every Breath You Take. The “Queen of Suspense” Mary Higgins Clark and her dazzling partner-in-crime Alafair Burke have devised another riveting page-turner.