Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level

You probably know that bees and butterflies help to pollinate flowers. But did you also know that beetles, lizards and small mammals are also good pollinators? Read more about the animals that help to pollinate flowers – you might be surprised by what you find!

  • Topaz/Band 13 books offer longer and more demanding reads for children to investigate and evaluate.
  • An information book.
  • Curriculum Links: science

In the Jungle

by Becca Heddle

Published 2 September 2013

This non-fiction book takes you on a journey into the jungle and looks at the people, animals and wildlife that live there, including parrots, monkeys and big cats.

  • This non-fiction book takes you on a journey into the jungle and looks at the people, animals and wildlife that live there, including parrots, monkeys and big cats.
  • Pink A/Band 1B books offer simple, predictable text with familiar objects and actions
  • Photographs of all the different things that can be found in the jungle on pages 14-15 help children to recap and provide a wealth of speaking and listening opportunities.
  • Text type: A non-fiction report
  • Curriculum links: Understanding of the world

In the Sea

by Becca Heddle

Published 2 September 2013

This photographic non-fiction book explores the sea and looks at what kinds of plants and creatures live there – including fish, jellyfish, seaweed and seals!

  • This photographic non-fiction book explores the sea and looks at what kinds of plants and creatures live there – including fish, jellyfish, seaweed and seals!
  • Pink A/Band 1B books offer simple, predictable text with familiar objects and actions
  • Photographs of all the different things that can be found in the sea on pages 14–15 help children to recap and provide a wealth of speaking and listening opportunities.
  • Text type: A non-fiction report
  • Curriculum links: Understanding of the world

What's up with Time?

by Becca Heddle

Published 22 May 2017

How do we measure time, and where does it come from? How do clocks work - and what happened before they were invented? Find out the fascinating answers inside.

* Ruby/Band 14 books give increasing opportunities for children to develop their skills of inference and deduction.

* Text type - An information book.

* The book is organised into short chapters to help children practise the skills of locating and identifying important information.

* The glossary and index on page 44 can be used to develop children's information retrieval skills further.

* Curriculum links - Mathematics - measurement; History -
chronological understanding

In the Forest

by Becca Heddle

Published 1 September 2011

There are many exciting things in the forest. Find out all about them from dawn until night in this highly photographic non-fiction text by Becca Heddle.

  • Pink B/Band 1B books offer simple, predictable text with familiar objects and actions
  • Children can re-cap the stages of the book on pages 14–15.
  • Text type: A non-fiction report
  • Curriculum links: Science: Plants and Animals in the Local Environment
  • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.