Busy teachers need a complete solution to teaching the literacy hour in year 2. This themed pack provides the answer. It should help children to improve their writing through speaking and listening, drama, and role-play. This pack contains material for half a term of literacy hour activities, and together...

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by Gill Matthews and Sylvia Karavis

Published 17 August 2005

Busy teachers need a complete solution to teaching the literacy hour in year 2. This themed pack provides the answer. It should help children to improve their writing through speaking and listening, drama, and role-play. This pack contains material for half a term of literacy hour activities, and together...

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Fantastic Beasts

by Gill Matthews and Sylvia Karavis

Published 29 June 2005
First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Robot World

by Sylvia Karavis and Catherine Byrne

Published 17 August 2005

Busy teachers need a complete solution to teaching the literacy hour in year 2. This themed pack provides the answer. It should help children to improve their writing through speaking and listening, drama, and role-play. This pack contains material for half a term of literacy hour activities, and together...

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Once Upon A Time

by Gill Matthews and Val Mansfield

Published 29 June 2005
First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

First published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.