Prepare to pass the Windows XP Professional exam using the only classroom-based study guide available. Containing 100% complete coverage of all official exam objectives, hundreds of practice questions, hands-on exercises, plus a CD-ROM containing a realistic practice exam, this is the ultimate self-paced learning system.

This study system offers checklists, questions and answers at the end of each chapter challenging the reader ti think critically, apply knowledge and solve problems, as well as sections offering the lighter side of technology and exam preparation.

The most effective and complete MCSE study system available covering the core MCSE exams.

For less than the price of the three individual Study Guides, this "Boxed Set" will prepare you for the MCSA Windows Server 2003 exams 70-270, 70-290, and 70-291. Based on 300,000+ hours of IT training experience, the books contain hundreds of practice exam questions and hands-on exercises. The CD-ROMs...Read more

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This study guide provides complete coverage of all objectives for exam 70-290, hundreds of practice exam questions, and CD-ROM with practice exam...Read more