The green detective
2 total works
Part of a series which takes a related group of consumer items and examines the environmental issues raised by their production and use. Suggestions for investigative projects enable the reader to become a "green detective". The books introduce readers to the links that can be found between everyday activities and environmental problems on a global scale. "The Green Detective Up the Chimney" provides an introduction to environmental issues connected with energy use. The author looks at the energy we use each day, including physical energy, and asks questions such as how do we keep warm?, how do we light our homes and drive machinery and what are fossil fuels and how do we use them? With the help of the "green detective", the author explains how energy use is connected to air pollution and why pollution damages the environment. Acid rain, global warming and ozone depletion are discussed in simple language. Readers are encouraged to investigate these issues and the importance of recycling as a means of saving energy is emphasized. The book concludes by looking at the alternatives to burning fossil fuels.
Part of a series introducing readers to current environmental issues which not only affect the planet but also health and well-being, this book investigates air pollution caused by motor vehicles and suggests ways of reducing it, including alternative methods of transport, engendering a greater sense of responsibility in the general public and examining a new technology. Readers are encouraged to investigate the topic through detective work of their own in order to reinforce the information given in the text. Fact boxes provide statistical support and additional facts for young detectives. The series aims to give a general understanding of environmental issues and encourage the reader to discover for themselves the steps that they can take as individuals to address the problems. The subject of air pollution by traffic is introduced by setting motor vehicles in context in the modern world. The historical development of transport, the benefits and importance of the car today and the reasons for its appeal are all examined in order that the scale and focus of the problem are clearly identified.
Air pollution, its relationship to the motor vehicle and our responsibility for its use are discussed, using investigative activities to help the reader discover vital clues and solutions to related problems.
Air pollution, its relationship to the motor vehicle and our responsibility for its use are discussed, using investigative activities to help the reader discover vital clues and solutions to related problems.