Book 3

A Faith for the Future

by Jesse Zink

Published 1 January 2016
The New Church's Teaching series has been one of the most recognizable and useful series of books in the Episcopal Church. With the launch of the Church's Teachings for a Changing World series, visionary Episcopal thinkers and leaders have teamed up to write a new set of books, grounded and thoughtful enough for seminarians and leaders, concise and accessible enough for newcomers, with a host of discussion resources that help readers to dig deep. In this third volume, scholar and priest Jesse Zink unites tradition and contemporary thinking to introduce the essentials of Episcopal theology. What's the story of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, creation and humanity, baptism, church, Eucharist, mission, and the life after death? Find out how Episcopalians have explored those questions for centuries and discover answers-and new questions-of your own. Each chapter takes a different aspect of Christian faith-God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Creation and Humanity, Baptism, Church, Eucharist, Mission, and the Hope of the World to Come-and links history and tradition with real world experience.